Links to Patterns for Tote Bags
Want to help make items for the Blessing Bags but need a pattern? No need to go searching the internet; below is a list of organizations that we are partnering up with and a link to their website.
Soap S.A.C.K.s (Supporting a Community with Kindness)
encourages people to crochet or knit washcloths made into a sack to hold a bar of soap. Soap is one of the most requested items at shelters. A link to their website and pattern library is below.
Baby Hat and Blanket Pattern:
You can find a simple baby hat and/or baby blanket pattern,
on this website (Shop Page). I have provided a link to the page below.
The Snuggles Project organization encourages people to make blankets, beds or sweaters for animals in shelters. There are so many pets in need. This wonderful organization was created to bring some comfort to these animals. Below is a link to their website Pattern Library:
The Snuggles Project organization encourages people to make blankets, beds or sweaters for animals in shelters. There are so many pets in need. This wonderful organization was created to bring some comfort to these animals. Below is a link to their website Pattern Library:
If you live outside upstate NY, we urge you to donate to shelters and food pantries in your local area. But we are always happy to accept your kind and caring gift.