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Spring is here in Upstate NY.   Time to put away the hats, scarfs, mittens, sweaters and warm blankets.  However, spring is the best time to make these items.  Unfortunately, not everybody has warm clothes to wear for the winter; some do not even have closets.  Sadly, just here, in Monroe County, on any given night, 835 people will experience homelessness.  Now, more than ever, help is needed.  Thankfully, the fiber art community is full of wonderful, generous people, like you.


We will be collecting:

  • mittens (toddler, child, teen and adult)

  • hats  (toddler, child, teen and adult)

  • scarfs  (teen and adult)

  • blanket (baby, toddler, child, teen and adult)

  • soap SACK 


Here at our headquarters, we will be taking all the handmade donations received and putting them in tote bags to be delivered once again to shelters in our community.


Each bag will contain:


Adult Tote Bags:

  • soap sack with a bar of soap (each sack will be tagged with S.A.C.K. labels)

  • washcloth

  • deodrant

  • toothbrush and toothpaste

  • feminine products (woman bags)

  • hat

  • blanket

  • mittens

  • Scarf



Did you also know that a lot of the homeless population are famlies with children?  Can you imagine when you were a child not having a small stuffed animal to cuddle when you were scared or a book to read? Reading has always been an important part of my life.  As a child, I could easily get lost in a book for hours.  As a young mom, I made sure to share this love to my own children.  My kids (now both in their 30's) still have fond memories of listening to "Good Night Moon" and "Animal Friends".  I want to keep sharing this love of reading.  Again this year we will also be delivering tote bags for babies, children and teens.


Each bag will contain:


Baby tote bags:


  • blanket

  • hat

  • age appropriate book

  • diapers

  • wipes

  • diaper cream


Child tote bags will Include:

  • blanket

  • hat

  • age appropriate book




        We can also give  bags to the local animal shelters.  These bags could include:


  • pet blankets,

  • pet beds

  • and pet sweaters. 



Please join me in sharing our love of our art to others.  


For patterns to assist you and where to send your donations, click the button(s) below.










Sip, Stitch, Repeat

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